International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)

Established in 1969, ICCAT has a relatively large membership, the majority of which are coastal states in the Atlantic region. The ICCAT secretariat plans budgets and facilitates the work carried out by the Commission, while national scientists from the contracting and co-operating parties conduct the data collection, scientific research and stock assessment of the key stocks managed by the Commission. Meetings of the various working groups occur annually, ensuring constant management discussion and revision where necessary. The Commission adheres to the precautionary approach to fisheries management and actively collaborates with other RFMOs to reduce IUU fishing.

The Commission specifically addresses issues such as discards and bycatch, protected and endangered species, IUU and capacity. Recommendations adopted by ICCAT apply throughout the ICCAT area of competence, although they are implemented domestically by CPCs for operations both inside and outside their EEZs.

Detailed information on the organization and full text resolutions and measures can be found at