Chapter Objectives

Thus, the chapter aims to:

  • Provide basic information on species identification for bycatch species of most concern, including turtles, seabirds, and sharks
  • Summarize best practices for reducing the bycatch of species of concern
  • Detail techniques for the safe handling and release of bycatch

Bycatch Mitigation and Handling in Tuna Longline Fisheries

It is well known that longline gear hooks a number of different species, depending on where and how the gear is deployed. In some cases, many nontarget species (also known as bycatch or incidental catch) are caught. But by using some simple and inexpensive strategies to avoid the capture of nontarget or unwanted species, and knowing the proper techniques to release any that are caught, fishers can make longlining sustainable. A healthy ocean benefits us all.

It must also be noted that some “best practice” methods to mitigate bycatch might result in unintended conflicts across species from pelagic longlines. Priority improvements should be adopted after careful consideration of these potential conflicts, based on well-sampled data from every specific fleet. For all of the methods discussed below, be sure to have the crew prepared ahead of time. This includes having the right tools readily available at the time of haul, and instructing fishers about proper and safe techniques. ISSF has published on YouTube bycatch-mitigation-technique videos for longline fishers, including on seabirds and sea turtles.